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M83, Southern Pinwheel Galaxy Galaxies
M 83 Southern Pinwheel Galaxy
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Spiral Galaxy M83 (NGC 5236), type SABc, Southern Pinwheel Galaxy in Hydra

.Located about 15 million light-years away towards the Hydra (the sea serpent) constellation, Messier 83 is a nearby face-on barred spiral with a classic grand design form. It is the main member of a small galactic group including NGC 5253 and about 9 dwarf galaxies.

Messier 83 stretches over 40,000 light-years, making it roughly 2.5 times smaller than our own Milky Way. However, in some respects, Messier 83 is quite similar to our own galaxy. Both the Milky Way and Messier 83 possess a bar across their galactic nucleus, the dense spherical conglomeration of stars seen at the centre of the galaxies. Messier 83 has been a prolific producer of supernovae, with six observed in the past century. This is indicative of an exceptionally high rate of star formation coinciding with its classification as a starburst galaxy (cited from ESO)

A full resolution crop of the galaxy here

.April 1-2 2011
.Hacienda Los Andes, Río Hurtado
Astro-Physics 140mm EDF4, working at f5.6
.Astro-Physics AP900GTO
.SBIG STL 11000M at -20 ºC
Exposure Time:
.L:R:G:B = 120:120:120:144 minutes, with 12 min subs
Astrofotografia Austral | Copyright Jose Joaquin Perez 2010